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What are the differences between the two SOCSO categories?

Contributions to SOCSO are divided into two categories, as follows:

Employment Injury and Invalidity Scheme

  • All Malaysian and permanent resident employees younger than 60 years old contribute under this category, unless they began contributing at the age of 55 or above.

  • From 1 July 2024, foreign employees below the age of 60 also contribute under this category, unless they began contributing at the age of 55 or above.

  • Under this category, every month, the employer contributes a value based on the employee’s monthly salary up to a maximum value of RM 86.65, and the employee contributes up to a maximum value of RM 24.75.


Employment Injury Scheme

  • For employees who are 60 years old and above.

  • For employees who began contributing to SOCSO at the age of 55 or above.

  • For insured people receiving an invalidity pension while still working, and receiving less than one third of their average monthly salary before invalidity.

  • Under this category, the employee does not contribute, and every month, the employer contributes a value equivalent to 1.25% of the employee's monthly salary, up to a maximum value of RM 61.90.

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